Monday, January 21, 2019

The Speaker and the Listener

I come back to you.
It comes that talking to you
Whether you listen or not
is the proper remedy for
this particular disease of being me.
I think certainly there is a hearer
At the end of this line. A listener.

You, my dear human person,
May listen or not, but when you listen
You give me life. And what is more Godly than that?

The 8.30 end meditation alarm sounds
And I am suddenly pursued by ecstasy.
Rasa is ecstasy. It flows inexplicably
But it means nothing but love for everything.
It is the golden jewel around which all the other purusharthas lie.

It was  not you who listened. It was God.
And if you stop listening that is also God.
It is the lessons that still remain unclear.
But the pursuit of ekanta nishtha has its own rewards.

So to speak to you becomes speaking to the world.
What has to be said to you is what has to be said to the world.
At least the world that has tattooed itself on me
Despite the best efforts I have to be someone or something
I am always just a series of layers.
The external personality is also not the self.
But a reflection of it.

I see your ears perk up.
Suddenly you think there is something meaningful here.
If not wisdom, it is perhaps a marker on the road to wisdom.
But the mystery I seek is that of the truest wisdom,
That of love.

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