Monday, March 5, 2007

Mana Manjari

Mana Manjari, you are my polar star;
All paths lead to you, whether you are near or far.
Mana Manjari, my guru,
part of the guru constellation in my sky,
the brightest light, the unmoving one I watch,
the star, I swear, I'll steer this hobbled vessel by.

Mana Manjari, I know, I know,
You never asked to be my light;
It's as dark for you as me, this long, dark night.
But just by being still you start to glow,
when you look at me and say, "I know
you, Jaya, I know who you are."

The firmament is filled with angels of my past--
Kamala, Lata and countless others, Radha's cast
of millions, Gurus all. They dance around
the Sun and Moon; they never fall.

One day, Mana, I will heed your call,
the true imperative of love,
and say, "That's all!" One day, one day at last,
both you and I will end our endless fast.

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