Monday, January 21, 2019

The anthropological history of love

The history  of books, the history of men
Is the story of the disruption in the flow of love.

That is the essence of human civilization.
It from the beginning was the creator of human civilization.

Did thought come first, or was it love?
When  love was seen to be good,
Intelligence was born. Love works.
And intelligence is there to make it work.
Better and better. Even if its end rule
Is that you must deceive the intelligence
In order to truly know love.

Your faith must be greater than your reason,
For without it reason knows not what to do.

There is no couple but for Radha and Krishna.

Freud's story of the birth of human self-awareness:
It came when the jealous young’uns got together and killed
The overbearing dominator, the alpha male, their father
Who hoarded all the females and enjoyed them at his leisure
And left the others to surreptitious canoodling under hidden branches.

After the parricide they were consumed by guilt
And so began to venerate his memory in contrition
Neurotically inventing ritual to expiate the guilt.
By exalting his memory, exaggerating his powers
internalizing whatever virtues they suddenly realized  
they had lost
By their sin against love.

They had fallen from an ordered paradise
And so intelligence was born
And the analysis of love was begun
And thus it was that
the human race began to grow up.

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