It is quite simple really:
Goddess is Archetype. Woman is type.
There is therefore "Goddess-ness" in every woman.
Radha is Goddess. Krishna is God.
Therefore Radha-ness exists in every woman.
And Krishna-ness in every man.
The sadhana for the man is to see the Radha-ness.
The sadhana for woman is to see the Krishna-ness.
The sadhana of the couple is to see the Yugalness.
The sadhya is prema.
The body of a devotee is spiritualized by sadhana. Since it mirrors Radha and Krishna's human form, however imperfectly, it serves the purpose of Prema.
The consciousness of a devotee is fixed on the Divine Yugala. By seeing the Divine Couple in the Prema, one becomes totally absorbed in the Divine Couple, because nothing is so powerful as Attraction. Krishna is in the Attraction. He is the Navina Madana.
The speech of a devotee is awash in the Holy Name. He bathes all his actions in the Holy Name. He is absorbed in the Holy Name. The Holy Name is the sound track to his or her life. The Holy Name transforms and guides everything for the devotee.
The devotee sees the presence of God in the Beloved and the Beloved in God. Material conditions and the obstacles and opportunities they present to learn the art of love are all Radharani's gift. They are the sancharis, the waves that rise and fall in the ocean of Love.
The anima and animus are the unconscious desire for love
given ideal form -- suitable for love.
If one takes all the animae and all the animi in the world
removes all impurities and distills their essence,
one has the arrow that points to Radha and Krishna.
Love means seeing
the Radha-ness,
the Krishna-ness,
and the Yugal-ness.
But Love sees beyond the projection to the real person.
Because God is really in the person,
not the anima, not the animus.
Love means seeing both the self and the Self in the other.
We are all icebergs… melting.
We are all icebergs… melting.
We keep our personas happily masking the meltdown,
going on below the surface
and we don’t know what it is.
Our philosophies are our attempts to explain
and perhaps be honest. But the melting goes on
and the tip of the iceberg is anxious for its survival.
What is my philosophy?
Can you have certainties where God and love are concerned?
Nothing is certain but believe in Love anyway.
God says look at love, look at the human. I am there.
Love me, love my dog. And all the rest that is mine,
but especially that which is made in my image:
all the “me’s” that I have manifested everywhere for you to love.
You have found Me, you think, on the altar, in the Bhagavatam,
in words and paper and stone, in the rules of dharma
supplication and surrender to the God Above and Within.
And even in the golden alleyways of Vrindavan.
Your bliss is your praman, but your journey has only begun.
Where am I?
I am the Waldo of the world. Where will you find me?
In the clouds or in a kiss? Where do I reside?
If Prema is the prayojana, then look in the direction of prema.
As your eyes improve, you will see more clearly
and I will appear to you with form as the Beloved
and without form as Love Itself;
Its rays will shine forth through you and light the world.
Can you have certainties where God and love are concerned?
Nothing is certain but believe in Love anyway.
Run blindfolded, you will not slip or fall,
I will be there to catch you always.
When you finally see Me, you will finally know what
a kataksha is. How one eyeblink length glance
has more content than a thousand pages of shastra.
This is how you enter the lila, one kripa kataksha at a time.
One glimpse at a time until you get the composite picture.
Says Jagat: Below my iceberg tip, below my philosophies
Radharani’s glance is melting me into the ocean of rasa.
Gurus falling from the sky:
So I don't believe in gurus /
who fall whole from the sky. /
Gurus are forged in the furnace /
like every other finished thing. //