They carried the corpse of love,
draped in white cotton, soft and new
trudging to the call and response:
"Only the name of God is true!"
"Who killed him?" Someone whispered.
"What will we do now that he is dead?"
Tears still gleaming on his cheeks,
"Love is immortal," one true believer said.
"Should it not be burned before the night?"
someone wondered out aloud.
Flies had already begun to alight
over the stench beneath the shroud.
Pupils enlarged, those with true belief
huddled and hoped for resurrection.
The saner ones just swallowed their grief
and marched to the ground of cremation.
They carried the corpse of love,
draped in white cotton, soft and new,
trudging in time to the eternal song:
"Only the name of God is true!"